Apache not accessible from outside

I totally have no idea how this happened. We're setting up a new linode, following the same instructions I used to set up my first one. We installed apache via yum, (sudo yum -y install httpd php mysql mysql-server php-mysql).

You can't get to it from outside. If I use wget, it gives me the index.html file, but if I try to hit the same url with firefox it says it can't establish a connection.

I've pinged it from outside, and the domain is resolving. It doesn't work even if you type in the IP anyway. I've commented out all of our vhosts and confirmed that the directory root is correct.

Any ideas? Thanks!


6 Replies

Try disabling iptables.

I had the same problem with mine. The default settings block everything.



You can't get to it from outside. If I use wget, it gives me the index.html file, but if I try to hit the same url with firefox it says it can't establish a connection.

That's a major clue right there…

Yep, itables was it. Thanks


Yep, itables was it. Thanks

I am at the same stage–just got everything running yesterday, but can't get web access running.

Really, one should just turn off the firewall? Isn't that dangerous? Can anyone give me a simple recipe for turning on port 80 access? (I seem to be congenitally unable to understand any of the documentation on iptables!)


Don't try to talk to iptables directly unless you know what you're doing. There are dozens of easy-to-use front ends to iptables, my favorite being FireHOL. Heck, if you're on Ubuntu, you could even use ufw for a real quick and dirty setup.


Don't try to talk to iptables directly unless you know what you're doing. There are dozens of easy-to-use front ends to iptables, my favorite being FireHOL.

Thanks for the advise. Well I'm a total noob. I did my best to install FireHol from the rpm source, followed the instructions and totally hosed my installation. I had to reinstall from scratch.

I then found a copy of KISS that seemed to work at http://www.nobaloney.net/downloads/kiss … -and-newer">http://www.nobaloney.net/downloads/kiss/kiss.kernel-2.8.16-and-newer. This seemed to work.



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