VPS in Canada?

Hey guys,

I really love Linode and don't plan on going anywhere soon but I have a requirement to host some websites (and user data) within Canada. This is due to company privacy policies (data can not be stored across borders). Does anyone here know of a good VPS service that is located in Canada?

Thanks in advance!

1 Reply

There's nothing like Linode in Canada, nor anywhere else except Linode itself!

Having said that, a few VPS hosts seem to have recently appeared in the Toronto area, and there are also a handful in Vancouver and Montreal. I don't think I should name other companies in Linode's own forum, nor could I vouch for their reliability even if I were to name them. But if you're interested, you can go to webhostingtalk.com and search "Canada" in the VPS forum. That's the site where unhappy customers usually go to rant about how badly they were ripped off, which is why Linode is rarely if ever mentioned there. But at least you'll know which companies to stay away from.


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