How much CPU load is allowed on 360 tariff?


How much CPU load is allowed on "Linode 360" tariff?


6 Replies … are-of-cpu">

@JshWright: … are-of-cpu">

Yes, I've read. Tell me please about how much percentage? I worry that I can take away the CPU from other parties. How many per cent loading is acceptable? 5? 10? 15? Not immediately. In a month, for instance.

100% / 40 = only 2.5%. That so?

You can use as much CPU as you want - AFAIK there are no limits imposed by linode.

I'm pretty sure you don't have to worry that you're taking cpu away from other people. The whole system is designed so that you can consume more than your share if no one else is using it. If everyone used up all of their cpu resources at the same time, yes you would be allocated 2.5% of the total cpu resources. A situation like that would be incredibly rare though.

Actually, you can use a lot more than 2.5%.

Each physical node has 8 CPU cores, so that's a total of 800%.

Your fair share is 1/40 of it, which is 20%.

Your VPS only sees 4 cores, so you can burst up to 400%.

Usually, all of that CPU is available to you.

The same goes for other shared resources, such as bandwidth. I can confirm from personal experience that a Linode 360 can use 500Mbps (60MB/s) for a brief period, given favorable network conditions!


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