Unread mails?

How many unread mails do you usually have? Why do you have them?

I personally have none. I simply cannot tolerate ANY unread mail. If it's spam, I delete it. I just can't leave them alone, it frustrates me.

7 Replies

Your poll is missing a "1000+" option…


Why do you have them?

So I can pretend that I might one day actually take action on them.

Well, 1000+ is a subset of 200+ so it should be fine :) But, wow! I really didn't expect this many people with 0 unread mails.


Your poll is missing a "1000+" option…
Or a 40000+ option in my case.

Too many mailing lists.


Well, 1000+ is a subset of 200+ so it should be fine :) But, wow! I really didn't expect this many people with 0 unread mails.

All you "inbox zero" people make me sick ;)

Hmm, I have a number of different mailboxes… about 21 of them. And they're all on zero messages.

Honestly, I voted zero, but to me this really means of switching the read/unread flag on messages. On boring or meaningless mailing list threads I simply make them read by hitting the proper keyboard shortcut :)

However I don't like unread mails in my inbox, I read or purge every mail that's 'unread'. And usually I go through my spam folder weekly to catch occasional false positives as well.

I really hate it when people improperly pluralize the work email. How do they even think it sounds right…

I have to read 99% of all email I receive and reply to about 75% of that.


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