Apache spawned a root process

I occasionally have been checking my apache processes to see how much RAM they are using. Today I noticed that there was an apache process running under the username root. All of the other processes are using www-data (the default ubuntu). Any idea on how this could happen as I'm guessing this isn't normal.



3 Replies

It is normal. The process running as root spawned all of the sub-processes running as www-data. It'll start and shutdown more of the processes as needed.

Running 'pstree -p' will show you that the root process is the one that started it all.

Thanks for the info.

Paranoia getting the best of me :oops:


Paranoia getting the best of me :oops:
For server security, paranoia is good. Remember the old joke: just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.


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