DANGER!!Worthless Piece of S**t installation routine tasksel
Warning!!! stay away from the debian/ubuntu tasksel - it totally fed up my entire installation by removing everything I had carefully set up!!! It says it will "install" stuff, but it removes everything in its path apparently first!!! Starting with MYSQL5, and even removing ftp and ssh! I can't even get back into the server to fix it!! I haven't been this furious with a crappy software package for a really long time!! All because I wanted to install the Ubuntu mail server. I read this crap on the Ubuntu site: "Ubuntu Server Edition comes with an easy to set up mail server. To install it, just select it at the end of the server install process or launch the tasksel command on an already installed server. " and got sucked in. Goodbye already installed server!! Unfingbelievable.
8 Replies
Ubuntu Server Edition comes with an easy to set up mail server. To install it, just select it at the end of the server install process or launch the tasksel command on an already installed server.
The link is:
Your configuration of a package is not removed when the package is. You should just need to apt-get (or whatever) them again, and be fine.
I can't even get back into the server to fix it!!
Ever heard of LISH, the Linode Shell?
Among them, aptitude package states and the dpkg status.
I seem to remember a shell/grep script somewhere that went through that to install all previously installed packages.
If you can't find it, you can always try a hack like:
back up /var/lib/dpkg/status and status.old
copy /var/backup/dpkg.status.0 to /var/lib/dpkg/status
(or whichever old dpkg.status has a good list of packages)
dpkg –get-selections > /tmp/selections
re-instate /var/lib/dpkg/status and status.old backups
dpkg --set-seletions < /tmp/selections
Good luck, and I'd agree, stay away from dselect. It's an old piece of debian history.