Quick question on Private IPs

If a friend of mine buys a linode and places it in the same datacenter as mine, will we be able to use the "Private IP" feature to connect to eachother, without it counting towards our bandwidth quotas? (Even if we are using different linode manager accounts?)

The reason I ask is that the linode manager specifically says "your Linodes".

8 Replies


If a friend of mine buys a linode and places it in the same datacenter as mine, will we be able to use the "Private IP" feature to connect to eachother, without it counting towards our bandwidth quotas? (Even if we are using different linode manager accounts?)



Likewise, ANY linode customer in the same datacenter can access your server using the not-so-private IP. So make sure you have this IP well covered by a fiewall!

Are the private IPs class D?


Are the private IPs class D?
Class D are multicast addresses. Linode private IPs are class C (

Quick question in relation to this topic:

I absent-mindedly clicked the 'give me a private IP' button thinking it would take me to another screen before giving me one. Is there a way I can give it back? I don't need it and it just provides me with one more thing to protect.



Quick question in relation to this topic:

I absent-mindedly clicked the 'give me a private IP' button thinking it would take me to another screen before giving me one. Is there a way I can give it back? I don't need it and it just provides me with one more thing to protect.


Clicking that button won't actually enable the private IP, it only enables the ability for you to turn it on in the VPS itself.

You'll need to configure it just like any other IP address for it to take effect.

  • Charlie


Clicking that button won't actually enable the private IP, it only enables the ability for you to turn it on in the VPS itself.

You'll need to configure it just like any other IP address for it to take effect.

  • Charlie
    Excellent. Thanks!

(I haven't rebooted my Linode since I clicked the button so I wasn't sure)



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