Centos 5.0 - GUI


I am in Canada and I need to see a video embedded in a flash movie that can be seen only from within the USA. I was thinking of using my linodes to do that; maybe installing a browser on the linode and having some way to look at the screen of the server. I love ssh but it i not good enough to watch video :D

Any idea on how I could proceed and achieve my goal? I am running Centos 5.0

Thank you

8 Replies

Running a GUI over a network is notoriously slow, so it's probably not going to be suitable for video. The best way to go – especially if you want audio, too -- is to tunnel the traffic over ssh.

From your home box:

ssh -D 8000 username@hostname

The "-D 8000" tells it to listen on localhost:8000 for SOCKS proxy traffic. (This may vary if you're using a different SSH client.)

After you complete the login, configure your web browser to use localhost:8000 as a SOCKS proxy. In Firefox, this is Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Network -> Connection -> Settings -> Manual Proxy Configuration… clear out the host fields for all the protocol proxies, then put localhost and 8000 for SOCKS host.

Once you do that, you should be able to go to http://whatismyipaddress.com/ or some other IP address replier and you'll see your Linode IP. Once you do that, you'll stick it to those pesky Canadian television networks!

Very nice!

I can now surf the Internet from my server's IP address; perfect but that does not help me watch those hulu videos. Instead of being told that the content can only be viewed from the USA, I am told "sorry, we are unable to stream this video. Please check your internet connection and try again.

http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FP-86 … l-tabpanel">http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FP-864?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel

It's because flash doesn't honor firefox proxy settings. With enough googling, you might be able to find a program to transparently proxy whatever connection flash is making.

I see, thanks for the link. I tried with Safari but the problem seems to be the same.

Hopefully there is a solution somewhere!


Scroll about half-way down that page. That guy found a way to do it with tsocks

Try OpenVPN - it will tunnel everything through the server.


Try OpenVPN - it will tunnel everything through the server.


OpenVPN or run an http proxy on your Linode (like squid). I find its easier to just run an http proxy bound to local host (then use an ssh tunnel to connect to it) then to deal with programs not liking SOCKS proxies. Hulu and YouTube both work great…

Just remember that you have to pay twice for the bandwidth (hulu -> your Linode, your Linode -> home).


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