Help me- Apache cannot access mounted folder

Please help me in this trouble,

I use CentOS4.2 with Apache. For the future purpose, I create one Partition for storing data, I mounted it with one folder in (/) . but HTTPD cannot access (read/write) in this mounted folder.

Please, please help me

5 Replies

Did you set the permissions on the folder to give access to the user Apache runs as?


Do you have selinux enabled? If so, you can use the chcon command with the –reference=/var/www flag to fix it up. Then either reroll the directory/files in the directory or use chcon -R to fix up what's under it.

Also, not related to selinux or your problem, but I move some of my data directories under a separate partition and then remount the dirs in fstab so the structure stays the same. Kinda like a symlink but more transparent. It also simplifies backups since I can just backup my /mnt/data directory for the most part.

example from my /etc/fstab file

/mnt/data/home        /home           none    rw,bind     0 0
/mnt/data/www        /var/www        none    rw,bind     0 0
/mnt/data/mysql        /var/lib/mysql      none    rw,bind     0 0

I tried to turn off SELinux, everythings come OK, thanks Bros very much.

Everything is OK until your box gets co-opted into a botnet

because your box gets owned because you turned SELinux off.

Go learn about SELinux and turn it back on.

BTW, the CentOS box you're talking about isn't a linode, is it?


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