Free backup MX

I've come to the relisation that I don't use my Linode for anything - other than a very expensive shell account. And, I've deciced to actually use it for something - namely a backup MX host for all my fellow Linode users :-).

My Linode is currently at the Newark, NJ datacentre. Currently, it will hold messages for upto five days and the maximum mail size is 10MB.

If anybody would like to use it as a backup MX, please list your domains here or PM them to me - I will send you the hostname through a PM.

2 Replies

Whilst this is a nice idea, be VERY careful about how you handle spam. If you accept a message for someone, then they reject it at the SMTP level you will likely generate a bounce-message. Since spam is 99% forged, what you will be sending is backscatter email (some innocent third party will receive the bounce) and so you will be contributing to the spam problem.

I also hope you're only accepting mail for the domains who have opted in, otherwise you're an anonymous remailer…


I also hope you're only accepting mail for the domains who have opted in, otherwise you're an anonymous remailer…

Yes - I'll be accepting mail for domains that have opted in.


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