Any ETA on Backup Solution?

I know you guys are working on backup solution. Are you in a position to give an ETA on when it could be available ?

14 Replies

No, I'm not going to commit to any date, but we're actively working on it.

Thanks for asking,


FWIW, I use to back up my linode. It uses S3 in the backend, so my bill is minimal (<$1/month).


I know you guys are working on backup solution. Are you in a position to give an ETA on when it could be available ?

Thanks Will check jungle disk option :)

There is a Firefox plugin tool called S3 Organizer that provides a gui interface for storage on Amazon's S3. S3 is very cost effective.


Please add my support for a automatic snapshot option like slicehost uses. it is super handy to have that in addition to something like s3 for when "bare metal" restore are required…


Please add my support for a automatic snapshot option like slicehost uses. it is super handy to have that in addition to something like s3 for when "bare metal" restore are required…

linode !=slicehost

if you like their services use them.

as for a bare metal restore, just reinstall it takes less than 2 minutes for debian to install.


linode !=slicehost

if you like their services use them.

Sadly I think that I'm going to have to do that. Pity because I think Linode offers more features for the money.

However there's nothing wrong with Linode customers making suggestions that would improve Linode.

@MrNot re: suggestions: agreed.

@chaos thank you for stating the obvious in a snotty tone.

However manually cloning disk images <> automated rotating snapshots rsync'd offsite. automated file level offsite backup can be done on either host. combining the two means time to restore is that much shorter given a disaster in a world where speed does count.

Other than that, I prefer linode, thats why I'm here.

Have a lovely day, ~d

Looking forward to a Linode based backup solution. It's aggrivating to lose bandwidth to backup off site.


FWIW, I use to back up my linode. It uses S3 in the backend, so my bill is minimal (<$1/month).

If you are doing weekly backups then its closer to $5 a month, if the calculator on the S3 is to be believed, for a 360 account. I am looking into the Jungle disk option. Granted this isn't probably causing anyone to skip meals, but just an fyi.

Nohup: since you seem to be using it now, can Jungle disk let you do differential backups? 90% of my server is static and its just database dumps I really need backed up, I don't see why I should eat up my bandwidth doing full backups more than once a month.

There are plenty of services out there (e.g. bqbackup) that provide 10-15GB of offsite backup space for $5 and 100GB for less than $20. It might cost a little more than S3, but you can use regular rsync/rdiff-backup/rsnapshot with these services so it's a lot more convenient. (15GB is enough to keep a month's worth of daily rsnapshot backups for a Linode 360.) It's also more reliable (IMO) than slicehost in the sense that the backups are located offsite.


@chaos thank you for stating the obvious in a snotty tone.

I apologize for that, I've been a bit out of sync lately and took it out wrongly. This question gets asked too often and it must have triggered something.

> However manually cloning disk images <> automated rotating snapshots rsync'd offsite. automated file level offsite backup can be done on either host. combining the two means time to restore is that much shorter given a disaster in a world where speed does count.

Of course things like that would be great, but if you have noticed the difference between Linode is that you get more hardware for less money, however you forgo a few of the "easy things" like auto-backups and other things. In return, you get many more features than provided at the other host because you have more control over what goes in and what goes out.

I, personally, was debating on buying a Linode 1080 in every datacenter and offering a backup solution via the Private IP addressing so that less bandwidth is used and it would be a great service for all the linoders. This was until I heard about Linode soon to be providing a backup service.


I, personally, was debating on buying a Linode 1080 in every datacenter and offering a backup solution via the Private IP addressing so that less bandwidth is used and it would be a great service for all the linoders. This was until I heard about Linode soon to be providing a backup service.

I like your thinking :)


If you are doing weekly backups then its closer to $5 a month, if the calculator on the S3 is to be believed, for a 360 account. I am looking into the Jungle disk option. Granted this isn't probably causing anyone to skip meals, but just an fyi.

I don't back up my entire linode, just /etc, /home (which is small) and a few other configuration files

I clone my linode image before I make a major change. I know that's not going to help me if the host server fails, but at least it's something.


Nohup: since you seem to be using it now, can Jungle disk let you do differential backups? 90% of my server is static and its just database dumps I really need backed up, I don't see why I should eat up my bandwidth doing full backups more than once a month.

It does incremental backups. It can store multiple versions of a file. It's fairly flexible. All the details are on their site.


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