Nice update to site

love the new look to the site chaps!

3 Replies

Starting to look good (not that I didn't like the previous version). Looks like there's some missing pieces still.

Two minor things that just bug me a little:

1) I liked being able to login in the upper-right corner from the front page. I understand it's not as nice aesthetically, but functionally it was nice for me.

2) The green "banner" (with the "Develop. Deploy. Scale." etc. text) has more empty "white"(green) space at the top/bottom than I care for, taking up relatively precious vertical space. I think I'd try 165-170px or so instead of the 200 it's at now. (Note, this is looking at it on a Mac with Firefox and Safari, so I'm not sure what it looks like in IE or Opera).


Two minor things that just bug me a little:

1) I liked being able to login in the upper-right corner from the front page. I understand it's not as nice aesthetically, but functionally it was nice for me.

Even if after clicking "login" if the 2 text boxes appeared I thing that would work, IMO.


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