More on the alphabetical slow SSH brute force attacks

This has more info on the slow, distributed alphabetical SSH brute force attacks currently underway: … force.html">


3 Replies

Here's an update to that post at the same site: … gates.html">


Here's an update to that post at the same site: … gates.html">

From the URL you posted, I had hoped Bill Gates was finally getting what was coming to him… No such luck.

Looks like there aren't any intrusion detection systems that are tripped by this new attack mode. Since this is SSH aimed at non-BSD boxen, seems like they are after Unix and Linux servers.

And That Is Us.




Here's an update to that post at the same site: … gates.html">

From the URL you posted, I had hoped Bill Gates was finally getting what was coming to him… No such luck.

Thanks mate, you made my day :D


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