DDNS updates using API issue

I'm trying to update a record using the API (Perl). I see the change in the DNS manager but it's not updating the various linode DNS servers.

I used a variant of this script.

http://search.cpan.org/src/MIKEGRB/WebS … /dyndns.pl">http://search.cpan.org/src/MIKEGRB/WebService-Linode-0.03/examples/dyndns.pl

If I dump the zone using this script, it shows up with new IP.

http://search.cpan.org/src/MIKEGRB/WebS … records.pl">http://search.cpan.org/src/MIKEGRB/WebService-Linode-0.03/examples/list_records.pl

If I grab the status of the domain using domainGet it shows as active, not in edit mode.

However if I query the ns[1-4].linode.com servers for it, I get the old IP address still.

Any ideas? DNS name is home.weaverling.org

3 Replies


I'm trying to update a record using the API (Perl). I see the change in the DNS manager but it's not updating the various linode DNS servers.

I used a variant of this script.

http://search.cpan.org/src/MIKEGRB/WebS … /dyndns.pl">http://search.cpan.org/src/MIKEGRB/WebService-Linode-0.03/examples/dyndns.pl

If I dump the zone using this script, it shows up with new IP.

http://search.cpan.org/src/MIKEGRB/WebS … records.pl">http://search.cpan.org/src/MIKEGRB/WebService-Linode-0.03/examples/list_records.pl

If I grab the status of the domain using domainGet it shows as active, not in edit mode.

However if I query the ns[1-4].linode.com servers for it, I get the old IP address still.

Any ideas? DNS name is home.weaverling.org


I took a look at your domain records and everything looks alright except for the domain not being rendered. Have you tried issuing a domainSave for the domain? I haven't dug into the code yet, and I was hired after it was written, but I seem to remember during the initial beta we had to issue a domainSave to get the servers to re-render the domain.

If that doesn't work–or if you've already tried that--open a ticket and we'll look into this further.



Have you tried issuing a domainSave for the domain?

No, I hadn't. That wasn't in the ddns.pl example. I altered the code to do that and it worked!

Perhaps the example code should have that added as well.



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