centos/elastix/asterisk kernel question


I am working on installing asterisk/Freepbx from the elastix.org site.

on the wiki, they have instructions for installing elastix on centos 5.2

in the instructions they mention replacing the kernel and editing grub so the zaptel modules can run, but I know if I do this things will break. does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do?

here are the howtos I'm refering to:

http://www.elastix.org/index.php?option … rom_script">http://www.elastix.org/index.php?option=comopenwiki&Itemid=27&id=centos2elastixfrom_script

http://www.elastix.org/index.php?option … om_centos5">http://www.elastix.org/index.php?option=comopenwiki&Itemid=27&id=how-toinstallelastixfrom_centos5

Thanks much for your help.

2 Replies

Hey there,

You only really need the Zaptel modules if you're going to use any of the supported hardware interfaces. But since you won't have physical access to your linode, you're probably only going to use SIP/IAX channels, and no hardware interfaces. So you can skip the use of Zaptel.

I don't know the specifics of elastix configuration, but I'm sure there's a way to not use Zaptel…

Good luck,



You only really need the Zaptel modules if you're going to use any of the supported hardware interfaces.

Or if you want to use MeetMe, or anything else that requires a timing device, for which you can use ztdummy/dahdi_dummy.


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