DNS Issues

Hey everyone,

Hoping you can help me resolve a potential DNS error. I'm currently using DreamHost as my domain registrar. We've set up a new site design on Linode, everything's good to go, so all that's left is to flick the switch to point the domain to Linode instead of DreamHost.

I logged into the Linode panel, went to DNS Manager, added my domain in as a Master, clicked Continue, and essentially left everything as default (including setting up default values for MX, www etc).

I then went to my registrar and changed the nameservers to Linode, a simple enough process.

It's been twelve hours, and apart from a massive spike in CPU/IO usage, the site has remained dead. No users on the forum or site. I would have thought that after twelve hours, things would have begun to propagate by now. It's simply showing the site at the old location. I've checked various whois sites, and the changes have been made. For some reason though, they haven't reflected for anyone yet.

I've just got a standard PHP/MySQL/Apache configuration set up on my server. Have I done everything correctly from the Linode end? I must admit, it seemed a little too easy to be true, given that Linode is a self-managed solution. I just want to make sure that everything is fine from this end, so I can begin to harass those at the other end.

Many thanks!

1 Reply

It really can take the advertised 24-48 hours for a nameserver change like that to take effect. The change has to go to the master .com DNS server, and then there are numerous layers of caching after that.

I've been similarly impatient in this situation, but it sounds like you've got the settings right and it's just a waiting game.


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