Adobe ColdFusion 8 + Linode VPS

Hello all,

I am considering switching some of our cold fusion 8 servers to vps's.

I've only ever worked with on-the-metal (physical, not vps) servers running cold fusion. Has anyone had any luck running CFMX7 or CF8 on a linode vps?

And if so, what flavour of linux would be most suitable? Ubantu, Debian etc. Any suggestions / pointers would be greatly appreciated.

9 Replies

Linode Staff


ColdFusion 8 installs and runs great on a Linode. Installing it on a Linode is no different than installing it on bare metal (same goes for any other software package). itself runs on an Ubuntu deployment with CF8.


Awesome news!

I am guessing I'd need at least a Linode 720 with 720mb ram as ColdFusion 8 requires at least 512mb.

CF8 System Requirements:

Or would it be significantly greater performance running a Linode 1080 with 1080mb of ram?

Thanks in advance,



Or would it be significantly greater performance running a Linode 1080 with 1080mb of ram?

Simple logic tells you that greater hardware = greater performance.

They key word was 'significantly' :)


Awesome news!

I am guessing I'd need at least a Linode 720 with 720mb ram as ColdFusion 8 requires at least 512mb.

CF8 System Requirements:

Or would it be significantly greater performance running a Linode 1080 with 1080mb of ram?

Thanks in advance,


Give it a shot. You can upgrade with only ~10m of downtime for a migration.

> itself runs on an Ubuntu deployment with CF8.

which version of Ubuntu? I wanna get my copy of CF8 running on a VPS here soon, I'd like to use Ubuntu, however I was leaning towards CentOS purely because of the requirements. was the Ubuntu install painless and pure?

any thoughts appreciated…


I have been running CF8 standalone on a Linode 720 running Ubuntu 9.04 for over a year now. Started with Ubuntu 8.10 and upgraded to 9.04 when it became available.

Very painless, as expected with linux.

was thinking of a 540 node…

think this would work out just fine?

It really depends on the application(s) you plan on running.

If you plan on using memory expensive features like orm, you might run into troubles with a 540.

Another suggestion is teaming up with a friend and getting a 1080 or 1440 and running multi-server cf, each with your own cf instance


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