Can I run a small crawler on Linode?

I would like to write a small crawler to track some content. Basically I'll run a lot of HTTP GET requests, analyze them and and send the results to a MySQL server another server outside Linode network such as my computer.

Is it possible to run this service on Linode?

Best regards,


2 Replies

It's definitely possible. The only caveat I'd give is that you honor any robots.txt files for pages that aren't your own–failing to do so may result in complaints being filed about you.

As for shipping the data off, you can easily run a MySQL server on a Linode so you don't need to send it off remotely if you don't want to.


Hi, James!


It's definitely possible. The only caveat I'd give is that you honor any robots.txt files for pages that aren't your own–failing to do so may result in complaints being filed about you.

I don't need to worry about it because I'll tracking some pictures - and tags - on Flickr and using their API. Not rocket science at all, just a Java software running some queries :D


As for shipping the data off, you can easily run a MySQL server on a Linode so you don't need to send it off remotely if you don't want to.

Currently I have a hosting plan on another server :oops: but I can't run the crawler on it. On the other side, I don't want to administer an entire server. I prefer to focus on my business and pay someone to do the dirty job for me :-) So a good solution to me is to buy a linode and continue with my current plan.

Thank you, James!


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