Any BIG sites hosted on Linode?

I have already signed up but just wondering if there are any BIG and BUSY sites hosted on linodes :)

6 Replies

Yes, there are some popular and busy sites hosted on Linodes. runs on a Linode!


I'd like to know which ones, aside from, which is obvious. :)

Edit: Might be a good idea to have a "show off your site" forum here so people can see what kinds of sites run on linodes.

As far as I know runs on Linodes.. and the gentoo-wiki too?

SQLite ( seems to run on linodes.

Here are some blogs hosted on Linode:

Here's a page in the wiki where people can post their uses for Linode, although very few have: … ode_For%3F">

How can you forget, seriously, I'm waiting for the pimp your linode promo materials….


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