Problem Session in php, with 2 VPS's

Hi, well below the present problem that afflicts me.

Post here, too, that perhaps the php.ini has something q see ..

I have 2 VPS's in the same company, the first with Centos 5.2, LAMP, pure-ftpd, sendmail, bind9, etc, and the second with Debian 4.0, LAMP, pure-ftpd, sendmail, bind9, and so on.

Well, none of the 2 VPS's just me Log me back to the page of login.php, eye problem is not the php script (login.php) -3 as these scripts have already been tested, tested on localhost, and 2 hosting other's with the same versions of PHP (5.2.6). <- current VPS <- Previous Hosting (hence everything OK)

A folder Sessions has been given permission 'chmod 777' (as the script's) but nothing at all.

It has set the php.ini the closest thing possible to another hosting (where no problem).

And something else to add .. vBulletin works. " : S

In fact quite appreciate any interest in their responses, to be outstanding.

Thank you very much.

2 Replies

I notice that session.cookiepath on the server is set to '/var/lib/php/cookie'. That is probably the cause to your problems. session.cookiepath is the path used for your cookies, and is always relative to your website's document root. Meaning, with the current setting, session cookies will only be valid for a website with an URL starting with

The session.cookie_path is not a save path on your server, it's part of what is sent as a cookie to your end user.

Lord, thank you very much … I'm really very grateful to you, I was 2 weeks to investigate and found no solution …

Again, thank you very much.

John Vargas


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