Wiered phpmyadmin problems...

Hello gr8 ppl here

I have several problems with fresh phpmyadmin install:

1. I can't drop empty databases, when I click DROP it says:

#1065 - Query was empty

That's it

2. Can't modify user privileges, page just refreshes itself

3. Can't create new database, it says:

db_create.php: Missing parameter: new_db  (FAQ 2.8)

I went there, and did everything they told me, but no luck…

A little help?

3 Replies

Setup (ie webserver, php ver, mysql v, phpmyadmin ver (how you installed it (from web or distro)) and distro)?

Permissions might always be an issue, are you logging into phpmyadmin with a admin user?


Setup (ie webserver, php ver, mysql v, phpmyadmin ver (how you installed it (from web or distro)) and distro)?

Permissions might always be an issue, are you logging into phpmyadmin with a admin user?

lighttpd, php 5.2.7, mysql 5, phpmyadmin 3

installed it by simply uploading to directory and configuring from file.

logging as admin.

using CentOS 5.


I already fixed this, if anybody will get same problem

Open php.ini

Go down to "Seesions" you should have:

> session.save_handler = files


> session.save_path = "/tmp"

and make sure tmp is writable


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