Anybody updated Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 on linode?

The question as in the title. I consider doing this, but would not necessarily like to test it first …


10 Replies

Yes. Very smooth. Nothing broken in my configuration, much unlike with Hardy.

On my Home Server and my Linode.

I like to jump in quickly. I should probably wait, but oh well.

Here are the instructions:

Network Upgrade for Ubuntu Servers (Recommended)

1. Install update-manager-core if it is not already installed:

sudo apt-get install update-manager-core

2. Edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set:


3. Launch the upgrade tool:

sudo do-release-upgrade

4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

As listed on this page … commended)">


Yes. Very smooth. Nothing broken in my configuration, much unlike with Hardy.

Pretty much the same here. Smoooooth as Ex-Lax.


Worked fine for me minus the typical trouble with Eaccelerator :-)

It took about an hour or so. Gotta watch it as there are many prompts thru the process.

Be real careful not to blow away your configs. t took me forever to setup my IMAPS and SMTP and I told it just to keep those configs.

I also run a backup every night to Jungledisk so I knew I was safe to get the config from the night before.

MySQL and the websites were down for about 15 minutes during the process, but that was ok by me.

I did upgrade 7.10 to 8.04 before, this one seems to have a lot more prompts and such, so just be careful about your configs.

Thanks for replies. I haven't moved my server yet, tried two desktops and both failed to boot after upgrade (one uses mdadm root, another uses lvm root, upgrade procedure failed to generate proper initramfs for new kernel), so I turned a bit less optimistic. But as you say it works…

I followed kali25's instructions, and things upgraded smoothly. However, I did have an apache problem after the upgrade where all my virtual hosts resolved to /var/www/. Also, apache was giving a "[warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts" warning.

After looking around on the Ubuntu forums, to fix this I had to replace with (where "" is the IP address of my Linode) in all of my sites in the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ directory. I don't think this is a true "fix" but it does get things back to working status and apache doesn't give any more warnings.

I haven't been able to find anything more about this issue so far, but I am hoping there is a true fix at some point, or every time I add a new site and do "a2ensite" I will have to edit the new sites file to replace the * with the IP address. Did any one else run into this?


I followed kali25's instructions, and things upgraded smoothly. However, I did have an apache problem after the upgrade where all my virtual hosts resolved to /var/www/. Also, apache was giving a "[warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts" warning.

After looking around on the Ubuntu forums, to fix this I had to replace with (where "" is the IP address of my Linode) in all of my sites in the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ directory. I don't think this is a true "fix" but it does get things back to working status and apache doesn't give any more warnings.

I haven't been able to find anything more about this issue so far, but I am hoping there is a true fix at some point, or every time I add a new site and do "a2ensite" I will have to edit the new sites file to replace the * with the IP address. Did any one else run into this?

This is just a warning and wouldn't prevent the server from working.

When I experienced this, all it meant was the existing Apache configuration had NameVirtualHost *:80 in it twice, which is pointless.

grep -r NameVirtualHost /etc/apache2/

If this returns more than one global (*) result, just delete all but one.



This is just a warning and wouldn't prevent the server from working.

When I experienced this, all it meant was the existing Apache configuration had NameVirtualHost *:80 in it twice, which is pointless.

grep -r NameVirtualHost /etc/apache2/

If this returns more than one global (*) result, just delete all but one.

This is a good idea for others to look into if they have the same problem, but this wasn't my issue. I only had that once in my configurations, which was in ports.conf.

Hey guys^^,

Just wanted to add a bit of info for others.

I did the upgrade by do-release-upgrade and got no major issues.

i'm using java, jboss, apache, php, mysql, snort and nagios mostly on my box.

I had to clean up my apache config also for NameVirtualHost.

My nagios2 install got removed and not upgraded, and i had to install nagios3 with apt-get and copy my old config from /etc/nagios2 (it wasnt deleted).

best luck to the others.



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