Every remote service is locking up

I am on host56 and I've been on this server for a few years now. Ever since this week, everyone of my remote services (ssh, apache, proftpd, etc) continues to lock up while using them. It's got to the point now where Apache will not respond to requests, proftpd will connect and then fail upon file transfer, and after a few commands sent in a ssh client, that locks up as well. I have the latest 2.6 kernel running, converted my file block size to 4k, and I just don't know what to do at this point. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I might be able to do to resolve this issue. I do not see any processes running that are out of the ordinary. I've rebooted my linode multiple times.

uname -a

Linux www.avella.name #2 SMP Sat Jul 19 20:24:32 EDT 2008 i686 GNU/Linux


17:46:22 up 17:15, 2 users, load average: 0.19, 0.12, 0.05

df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/xvda 11G 3.5G 7.3G 33% /

tmpfs 181M 0 181M 0% /lib/init/rw

udev 10M 56K 10M 1% /dev

tmpfs 181M 0 181M 0% /dev/shm


total used free shared buffers cached

Mem: 368844 364148 4696 0 4772 289120

-/+ buffers/cache: 70256 298588

Swap: 1048568 8 1048560

I forgot to mention that I'm running Debian.

6 Replies

I also continue to receive messages my disk io is averaging 219.00. Is there something I should be looking for at this point? I can access the linode through the lish console only.

Interesting. I'm running debian (unstable) as well on host56 and have seen SSH hang at least twice in the last 2 weeks. My LISH console (not lish itself) was unresponsive. SSH will connect however then it just hangs. Apache/MySQL, however, seemed fine as I could still access my sites and they seemed to be accessing the database fine. Issued a reboot and everything seems fine. Perhaps something on host56 is acting up or we have very similar setups that are similarly unhappy on host56.

Hmm, my linode froze today as well (fremont44). Totally unresponsive; lish displayed the last messages (firewall rules blocking abusive ssh) but the console was otherwise unresponsive. I was able to reboot via lish, but that's about it. (CentOS 4, fully patched)

Very odd, indeed.

Out of curiosity, are any of you using Verizon FiOS as your internet provider? I can access my web server with my Blackberry 8830, 8330, and HTC-6800 (Sprint). I've verified on three different pc's at my home that the problem occurs on all. I've unplugged the router, ONT, and battery backup and still that didn't fix the issue. Now I'm really confused. Might be something on my ISP side, which is odd.

Downloaded MIDPSSH for the 8330 and I'm not locking up. Think I found the problem. FiOS…….


Out of curiosity, are any of you using Verizon FiOS as your internet provider? I can access my web server with my Blackberry 8830, 8330, and HTC-6800 (Sprint). I've verified on three different pc's at my home that the problem occurs on all. I've unplugged the router, ONT, and battery backup and still that didn't fix the issue. Now I'm really confused. Might be something on my ISP side, which is odd.

Downloaded MIDPSSH for the 8330 and I'm not locking up. Think I found the problem. FiOS…….
I am using FIOS, but FIOS wasn't my problem, for at least 4 reasons:

1. I could reach other service providers

2. I could reach the lish console, and the console was frozen

3. I couldn't reach my linode from other service providers - eg Panix internet,

4. After the reboot I could reach it perfectly.

It sounds like your problem is different to mine; if you're able to start new sessions but the sessions freeze after some period of time then I'd look at your router (or the Verizon router, if you're using that); it might be dropping open sessions.


I am using FIOS, but FIOS wasn't my problem, for at least 4 reasons:

1. I could reach other service providers

2. I could reach the lish console, and the console was frozen

3. I couldn't reach my linode from other service providers - eg Panix internet,

4. After the reboot I could reach it perfectly.

It sounds like your problem is different to mine; if you're able to start new sessions but the sessions freeze after some period of time then I'd look at your router (or the Verizon router, if you're using that); it might be dropping open sessions.

Ok so I pulled the battery unit out again, unplugged the FiOS supply from the wall, unplugged the router, upset the ONT where the MOCA was flashing red for a little while, hard reset the router, and all appears to be working now. Odd that the only two ip addresses I was having a problem with was my linode ip's. I've always hated the Actiontec routers… Thanks for the suggestions.


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