Linux newbie needing help


I'm very new to Linux and setting things up via SSH (never done it before).

I looked at some of the podcasts and they helped a bit.

Could anyone provide links to guides or anything that will help me setup the following:




SMTP server

This is for my site at which I will be moving onto it's own VPS when my account is activated.

Also, what OS do you recommend? I.e. which is the easiest and best to run on the lowest Linode package?

Thanks :D

5 Replies

Just an FYI.

I know how to setup phpMyAdmin. I just want to know how do I setup FTP to actually get on there :lol:

Okay, thanks for that.

But I am still completely lost. I have figured out how to upload perl via SFTP. I have extracted it.

But it's asking me to install make and I don't know how to install it…


Okay, thanks for that.

But I am still completely lost. I have figured out how to upload perl via SFTP. I have extracted it.

But it's asking me to install make and I don't know how to install it…
Best/Easiest way to accomplish this is to use what ever flavor of Linux you installed package manager instead of building it from source if you don't know what you're doing.

Gentoo "emerge"

Debian based (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.) "apt"

Redhat based (Fedora, Centos, etc.) "yum"


The best guide website is

File transfer I'd recommend WinSCP or SCP in general instead of ftp, Just make sure you have sftp-server in your sshd_config.


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