Key Bindings: How do I turn off ctrl-s?
How can I fix this in emacs or is there a way to simply disable 'ctrl-s' in the terminal?
5 Replies
Why not just install SSH and do it that way? Lish is supposed to be for the remote save-my-ass-I-fscked-up console.
Seconded. It's really much easier.
The problem is that Lish is a GNU screen instance into your linode's console from the host computer. I am not a screen user but I bet that is the problem. You can probably search in the screen man pages to see what your particular problem might be. But I agree with the previous posters that a better idea would be to ssh directly into your linode. Less headaches that way, and your emacs instance will probably behave as you intend without any workarounds.
Normally you could set the default for this with the screen command line or .screenrc, but since this screen instance is running on the host I don't think there is any way to set the default.
Ctrl-S is the XOFF command. Crl-Q is XON - if you've halted flow control with Ctrl-S, just type Ctrl-Q to put it back on.
(and personally, I see nothing wrong with using lish, if you're the only one using the box. SSH makes some things easier, but on the other hand it's also another potential attack vector. But you do need to be aware of the reasons why you're using lish specifically.)