Paid Gig: Set up my account, migrate site, assist with admin

I'm the proud owner of a slow Drupal site that crashes 4-5 times a day due to memory issues on my current hosted VPS. I'm interested in moving it to Linode, but I am not a sysadmin.

I am interested in hiring a developer to:

1. Set up an account here for my site.

2. Teach me the basics of how it works.

3. Migrate my Drupal site over.

4. Help me boost the performance of my Drupal site (i'm using the basic out of the box Drupal methods but they're not helping)

5. Offer support on an ongoing basis as specified by an agreement we would work out.

My site is a hybrid social news site/blog network focused on a major US city. Last week it was featured on a NTimes blog, the HuffingtonPost, and several other name sites.

It needs to be faster. It needs to stay up and it needs to be able to scale a bit as we grow from current numbers (3-5000 uniques/day to 10,000+)

I'm happy to answer questions here or via e-mail at windycitizen at I am flexible and open to sorting our compensation that will get the job done right.

The site is at

As I said, it is slow and crashes often. It could be down now. :)

12 Replies

Hello. I run a small business that uses Zanlus to provide web and mail hosting, as well as Drupal development. I would be happy to help you with your project, and I'm sure that we can come to a reasonable agreement.

Please email me at or find me on Skype with the user name zanlus.

I look forward to discussing your problem and finding a good, long-term solution.


Same post is the forums at

I heard these were the two best hosts out there and representatives from both companies encouraged me to post in their forums.


I heard these were the two best hosts out there and representatives from both companies encouraged me to post in their forums.
Not your post, zanlus's post ….

BTW I'm in the process of moving all my Drupal site's to Linode, Linode ROCKS for Drupal due to the complete control you have for your environment. I rolled my own Gentoo, installed Drupal and I'm very happy with the results. If you're looking for a good host for Drupal you can't beat Linode.

My two bits, get an VPS here and hit for drupal developers. I do know one that is suppose to be very good

2bits has some good references and is active in module development. They're not cheap but what you're looking for take a look. I'd also be interested in what you decide on using and the results, PM me if you remember. I'd definitely appreciate it..


Marcus0263: I'm curious about how a post that responds directly to a stated need is spam.

My name is Ross Musselman and I am the owner of Zanlus. One of my developers happened to see the posting and asked me to look into helping bflora. I chose to respond on the list and by sending an email.

Please be careful with spam accusations.


Ross Musselman


Marcus0263: I'm curious about how a post that responds directly to a stated need is spam.

My name is Ross Musselman and I am the owner of Zanlus. One of my developers happened to see the posting and asked me to look into helping bflora. I chose to respond on the list and by sending an email.

Please be careful with spam accusations.


Ross Musselman
Not a Linode user, only one post peddling your own business …


OK ;)

This is a ridiculous argument. Someone came to a board looking for help from people who would be likely to have the skills to do it. He made the same post at and made follow up posts. Seems like a real storm in a tea cup to me.

Oops error and then double post.

Well, from a quick glance, it does appear that zanlus went to the Nigerian Prince School of Style. I'm sure it's legit, but even reading it now my instinct is to reach for the Delete button. Training from years of spam I suppose. My guess is marcus had the same reaction.

Look, bflora clearly expresses a desire to hire a developer to solve 5 listed problems. As a business, it is hardly in my interest to tell someone how to solve those problems in this forum. Moreover, if bflora admits that she/he isn't a systems admin, then there may be other issues which may be apparent to me in our conversation (e.g. backups). I can uncover these without revealing them to my competitors in a private discussion rather than in this public forum.

Marcus0263, I'm really not looking to pick a fight with you. I simply asked that you not refer to my response as spam. It was an honest mistake that I simply wanted to correct. Rather than acknowledge the mistake or simply not respond (both of which allow you to save face), you wrongfully assumed that I wasn't a Linode user (I've got two, actually) and referred to my attempt to solve bflora's problem offline as "peddling". I know that I'm new to this forum, but that condescending attitude is not one that I would expect from a Senior Member like yourself.

Please, let's not further exacerbate this issue. The damage is done. There is now little chance that bflora is going to respond to me after the unfounded charge (even though most of my business is Drupal development for people and organizations in exactly the situation bflora described).


Look, bflora clearly expresses a desire to hire a developer to solve 5 listed problems. As a business, it is hardly in my interest to tell someone how to solve those problems in this forum. Moreover, if bflora admits that she/he isn't a systems admin, then there may be other issues which may be apparent to me in our conversation (e.g. backups). I can uncover these without revealing them to my competitors in a private discussion rather than in this public forum.

Marcus0263, I'm really not looking to pick a fight with you. I simply asked that you not refer to my response as spam. It was an honest mistake that I simply wanted to correct. Rather than acknowledge the mistake or simply not respond (both of which allow you to save face), you wrongfully assumed that I wasn't a Linode user (I've got two, actually) and referred to my attempt to solve bflora's problem offline as "peddling". I know that I'm new to this forum, but that condescending attitude is not one that I would expect from a Senior Member like yourself.

Please, let's not further exacerbate this issue. The damage is done. There is now little chance that bflora is going to respond to me after the unfounded charge (even though most of my business is Drupal development for people and organizations in exactly the situation bflora described).
For the record I was "asking" hence the question mark in the original post while pointing out the basis of my suspicion which raised the radar. ;)

Anyway agreed, to much is being made of this.


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