ProFTPd issues, incorrect password

Hey guys, I got a VPS now and I'm trying to set it all up. I still have to get my e-mail and FTP working.


CentOS 5.2

Latest ProFTPd

I'm trying to setup ProFTPd so that I can login using my regular user accounts. Whenever I attempt to login I get a "Login failed" response. I did some searching and it seems like this can be from a variety of different causes and to look in the logs to see what the actual cause is. From reading the logs it says that my password is wrong.

I have stripped my config file down to a very basic one for debug purposes. Here it is:

> DefaultRoot ~

ServerName "Mike's FTP Server"

ServerIdent on "FTP Server ready."

ServerType standalone

DefaultServer on

Port 21

Umask 022

MaxInstances 2

User nobody

Group nobody

Any ideas why it's not allowing me to use the standard user accounts? I've tried a couple different user accounts and they all give the same results.

13 Replies

Don't really have much time to be posting, quick google search found this: … ation.html">


Don't really have much time to be posting, quick google search found this: … ation.html">

I don't think I want any of those though. I want to just use the regular users from /etc/passwd.

An option in my proftpd config that deal with authentication:

RequireValidShell off

Set this so you can make FTP users that do not have shell access to the machine.

Alternatively you can add /sbin/nologin to /etc/shells.

But I want to use users which have shell access.

Try also adding:

IdentLookups off

What else is there in your proftpd config? How is your authentication setup? Are you using PAM or something "in-house"?

I think this is a new record for a thread about ftp to not be answered with "zmog ftp is evil, use ssh", but…

zmog ftp is evil, use ssh.

Seriously, OpenSSH's supplied config file has directives in it to enable SCP access, it already talks to PAM/passwd, and its secure. Unless you have a need for ftp, I'd look into using SCP instead.

Agree with mwalling, for what it's worth. SSH does everything FTP can do, and better.

Yes and no.

There are some really nice upload management tools that just work better with ftp.

You can however often use ssl to secure the authentication. I've never done it though, I just use scp or rsync over ssh.

GUIs are overrated. WinSCP does a fine job from Windows, the big DEs have it built in somehow for Linux, and Mac users….

! people still use macs?!?!

My day job is a GUI designer… maybe thats why all my forms have Vim like accessibility shortcuts

FTP is good in situations when you do not want users to have shell access. On top of that, you can allow anonymous connections for file transfers and things of that nature.

There are many benefits to using FTP over SCP, it really depends on what you're trying to accomplish.

In my situation, I like to do some hosting for people. I don't advise them to go download WinSCP and learn how to use "keyfiles" to authenticate to the server. FTP provides them an easy and highly supported way to authenticate, and I provide explicit SSL to boot if they so wish to choose it.

I tried logging in using SFTP/SSH and it said that I had the wrong password as well. I used the same login and password as I use to SSH in normally. How do I go about configuring SFTP now?


FTP is good in situations when you do not want users to have shell access. On top of that, you can allow anonymous connections for file transfers and things of that nature.

Check out scponly. I use it in this situation.

Do you have a line similar to the following in your sshd_config file?

Subsystem sftp  /usr/libexec/sftp-server



Configures an external subsystem (e.g. file transfer daemon).

Arguments should be a subsystem name and a command (with optional

arguments) to execute upon subsystem request.

The command sftp-server(8) implements the ``sftp'' file transfer


Alternately the name ``internal-sftp'' implements an in-process

``sftp'' server. This may simplify configurations using

ChrootDirectory to force a different filesystem root on clients.

By default no subsystems are defined. Note that this option

applies to protocol version 2 only.


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