need help getting set-up on ubuntu 8.04 lts


7 Replies

If you're using the nameservers, you will need to change those at your domain registrar (GoDaddy, Network Solutions, etc).

Currently it shows your nameservers to be:

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:        119866  IN      NS        119866  IN      NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:    35369   IN      A    21882   IN      A

… which is wrong from the context you provided as I am assuming you are moving from rimuhosting into linode correct?

Anyway, I think that if that goes well, then your other problems might go away. If not then one step at a time. Get that sorted out first.

What is the reason to put webmin on apache? Simple curiosity mostly.

Webmin has a built-in (that works, quite flawlessly) webserver. I was just asking for what reason did you have to move it to apache.

Can you give me a link to a tutorial the wanted you to move webmin to apache?

And don't do the whole n00b thing, please. Everyone starts there, and there is no need to mention it a several times. I've been aggressively using linux for the past three years, I know how to set it all up via CLI, but webmin has gotten to a point where I can save 3-4 hours of config time when deploying/re-deploying a new box.


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