Run Linode image localy

Hi would it be posible to run my linode image localy? How could I make a complette copy of the image? I know my way around linux and can make a uml server if needed but i would prefer something windows based vmware etc.

Cheers thanks for any help

2 Replies

Create another file system boot Finnix and mount both you Linode and the file system you just created, example

mount /dev/xvdb /mnt/linode

mount /dev/xvdc /mnt/backup

then cd into /mnt/linode where your linode install is and execute

tar -jcvf ../backup/linode.tar.bz2 *

Once that's done just move to tarball off to where ever

Alternatively, take and run it in reverse (doing your ssh+dd from Linode back to you). From there, you would need to either create your own UML executable (if you're based on an older host), or tinker with Xen and boot your image in your own domU


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