Cpu usage graph

I was looking at my cpu usage graph today and it seemed like it was high. It is hovering at 5% to 9% but when I look at top the idle cpu% is from 99.3 to 99.9 so I dont think I am using very much. Anyone have ideas at to why there is such a big difference from top to the linode graph?

~~![](<URL url=)http://php.uncouthsoft.com/images/Picture.png" />

~~![](<URL url=)http://php.uncouthsoft.com/images/Picture2.png" />



1 Reply

Linode Staff

This is an artifact from running a pvops kernel (kernels that run on Xen that are > 2.6.18). The pvops stuff is still "in testing", but once we make those mainstream we'll bug the devs about this.



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