Can't see Apache default page

I have just begun setting up Apache on my new linode, and I plan to create two web sites there. There's no html beyond the Apache default page.

I have two domain names at Both are pointed to the and nameservers.

To test the server, I entered the first domain name in my browser and got the Apache default page. But when I entered the other domain name, the browser couldn't find the page. Why would this be?


  • Chris M.

3 Replies

I answered my own question (:->) I had forgotten to set up a domain zone for the second domain name in DNS manager! It's working now.

Just a heads up, Linode operates four nameservers, and if you only tell GoDaddy about two of them, the vast majority of clients will never do lookups on the other two. Everything will still work, but it's generally good to list all four. 1) It gives you additional redundancy. If ns1 & ns2 were to go offline at the same time–which is unlikely--clients would not be able to resolve your domain even though ns3 & ns4 are still serving up your domains. 2) It spreads the load over all fours servers, making them more responsive for everyone.

Many thanks! I didn't know there were four linode nameservers – I'll update godaddy.


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