Hello, just new here and wanted to ask a question

Hi, I am a new member and also new to Linux.

I have installed Ubuntu server as my destro.

What i don't understand is, why there is no web server, mail server, ftp server or mySQL running.

I thought that the Ubuntu server edition came with all this.

And i was expecting it to be running after install.

I wanted to get a website up and running, but i don't know how to install a web server here.

If there is no web server software in my Ubuntu, what is the best web server i should try install? Apache?. :?

6 Replies

Not everybody wants to run a LAMP stack and mail and FTP servers, so Linode's default images come with the bare minimum. You should find a good tutorial for what you want to do. Most software is just one "sudo apt-get install" away.

The distros are barebones and don't contain any services except SSHd.

To install apache2, postfix (SMTP server), dovecot (IMAP & POP3) and mysql5 run 'apt-get install apache2-mpm-worker mysql5 postfix dovecot' as root. If you want to run Wordpress or another content management system then you probably need PHP. This can be installed by running 'apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5' as root.

Thanks alot for your help guys!.

Now i understand better.

I will try this install in the morning 8)

Just one more question, what do you think of 'XAMPP Linux 1.6.7' (www.apachefriends.org) it has everything all in the one install.

Is this safe to install ?.

Thanks again,



Just one more question, what do you think of 'XAMPP Linux 1.6.7' (www.apachefriends.org) it has everything all in the one install.

Is this safe to install ?.
From the xampp website: > The default configuration is not good from a securtiy point of view and it's not secure enough for a production environment - please don't use XAMPP in such environment.
So…..no, don't go there. Xampp's intended usage is in a dev environment only (read: on your laptop/desktop and not on the public internet) - it provides an easy, "one-click" process to speed up the process of installing LAMP. In order to not hinder the development process in any way, they leave out many of the security features that are necessary on a production site.

Ubuntu makes it easy enough to install everything you need out of their own repositories, so I'd recommend sticking with that. Oh, and as a general philosophy going forward, unless you 1) really know what you're doing and 2) have a very good reason, do yourself a favor and always use the ubuntu repositories to install software. Doing so will save you many headaches going forward.


Intresting read, Ok thanks for all that.

I will just use the Ubuntu repositories to install all the software and see how it goes!.

Thanks again to all that helped! :D

Just for future reference, and in my opinion: With Ubuntu and Debian, if the software is available via the package manager (apt), it's best to install that way rather than rolling your own or using some generic binary from the internet. The software packagers spend a lot of time making sure that everything is set up in a consistent way, and you'll be able to get help from others who are using the same packages and have the same configuration files, etc.


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