When was the last time you flipped a DIP switch?

Linode Staff

Mike and I got on the subject of DIP switches yesterday – reminiscing about the "good old days". So, I'm curious when you last flipped a DIP switch…

Mine was on an old Mac monitor to VGA adapter. Before that, it was a crystal oscillator overclocking circuit I made for my PowerMac 6100 (66Mhz to 72Mhz baby!).


14 Replies

It's funny you should ask… just the other day, for the first time in years, I had to flip exactly one dip switch on a brand new Digi 900 MHz wireless ethernet bridge. It was like going through a time warp!

Hal Williams

Found an ol' MFJ-1270B TNC when cleaning my office a couple days back. Popped it open, flipped a few DIP switches, and put it back in the "Hmm, I Should Do Something Cool With This" pile.

Yes, there are DIP sockets inside.

I just had to set one last week when i replaced the remote control for my Hunter ceiling fan.

Kudos to Hunter for using the same control for all their fans.

The last actual dip switch I flipped was probably also a Mac VGA adapter cable some half dozen years ago. I have had to modify jumpers on hard drives more recently before installing them, and that is close. That was maybe three or four years ago.

I think the last DIP switch I flipped was on an external 28.8 modem I owned back in the mid-90s.

Back in my day, real programmers memorized the different AT commands and wrote their own init strings. :-)


I think the last DIP switch I flipped was on an external 28.8 modem I owned back in the mid-90s.

Back in my day, real programmers memorized the different AT commands and wrote their own init strings. :-)

My last dip switch usage was on a 14k4 internal modem on an Intel P90 with I think 8 MiB of ram. I can't believe I miss those beeps.

Oh, pardon me; I voted wrong; it was just a year or so ago when I was configuring the hardware address of a card/ticket reader used for parking machines. They are still configured using dipswitches.

Someone had randomly flipped some of the dip switches on one of the PS3 devkits I was recently given. Had to reset them back to off.

last week..flipped a bunch of DIP switches on an Bosch Allegiant DCU at work

Does the ro/rw switch on my usb flash drive count?

twice, daily.

i have a garage remote that operates both the work garage and my home garage.

i have to (well, choose to because i am too cheap to buy a second) crack open the remote and flick a few dip switches to reprogram for the other door.

I enjoy working with PIC micro controllers. I flipped one this morning. :)


last time i flipped a dip switch was 2 weeks ago when i installed a car alarm in my Ford Probe. lol. i didn't want to hear the beeping every time locked or unlocked the car so i flipped that switch to off :)

The Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite 2 comes with 4 of them at the back for reconfiguring some keys…


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