howto install a custom kernel
i'm setting up heartbeat using three linodes. it needs kernel support for ipvs.
so i got the source from
now i have linux-xenu- in usr/src, could somebody show me how to install this permanently as my kernel in this xen node?
many thanks
7 Replies
I haven't done this, but I think it goes something like this:
get the source for the kernel that you are running
build the module in question (I think I read that you need to use the same compiler as was used to build the kernel that you are running, but this might be wrong)
load (modprobe) the module
if it works, set it up so that the module loads at boot (maybe in /etc/modules - that's where it is in debian and relatives anyway)
Have a look at this thread:
My system is Debian, you need to keep that in mind if you can't find stuff where I found it. But most of this is pretty low level, so there shouldn't be too many variations.
[EDIT]Note that you have to redo this whole procedure if you change to a different kernel.[/EDIT]
Here's what I did.
- found out what kernel I'm using
$ uname -r
- went to /usr/src and became root user
cd /usr/src
got the appropriate source, decompressed it
# wget
# tar -xvjf
made a link to the source directory, went in, got the current config
# ln -s linux
# cd linux
# cp /proc/config.gz config.gz
unpacked config file, renamed it
# gunzip config.gz
# mv config .config
configured the kernel
# make clean
# make menuconfig
(I got held up here for a while as I was missing a dependency for menuconfig - in my case it was the libncurses-dev package - I think. Anyway, if you get errors when you're trying to make menuconfig, check for missing dependencies)
So this is the kernel configuration, and I knew that what I wanted was support for a filesystem (cifs), so that's where I looked. Whatever it is that you want (ipvs) will be somewhere else. If you hit the '/' key in menuconfig, you can search for stuff, but I couldn't find ipvs, so I still don't know what it is.
When I found cifs, I selected it with M, so it would be built as a module, then exited from menuconfig, saving my new configuration.
Then, to finish off I did
# make modules
# make modules_install
# depmod
# modprobe -f cifs
Like it was said in that other thread I linked to, modprobe would not work without the -f option, as the compiler versions are different. I don't know what implications this will have for trying to load the module automatically at boot, maybe I'll just have to write a custom startup script to load the module with the -f option.
Good luck. As the geeks say, your mileage may vary.
My only variation would be to point out that there's no need to work in /usr/src; all this can be done in your home directory, which means you only need to be root for the last three steps ('make module_install; depmod, modprobe cifs'). Avoiding root access is, IMO, a Good Thing.
Oh, and this only works for Xen linodes. UML can't load modules, IIRC.
ipvs is under network options.
i achieved some success, but again stuck in last two steps.
when i issue..
li23-66:/usr/src/linux# make modules_install
INSTALL fs/cifs/cifs.ko
INSTALL net/ipv4/ipvs/ipvsdh.ko
INSTALL net/ipv4/ipvs/ipvsftp.ko
INSTALL net/ipv4/ipvs/ipvslblc.ko
INSTALL net/ipv4/ipvs/ipvslblcr.ko
INSTALL net/ipv4/ipvs/ipvslc.ko
INSTALL net/ipv4/ipvs/ipvsnq.ko
INSTALL net/ipv4/ipvs/ipvsrr.ko
INSTALL net/ipv4/ipvs/ipvssed.ko
INSTALL net/ipv4/ipvs/ipvssh.ko
INSTALL net/ipv4/ipvs/ipvswlc.ko
INSTALL net/ipv4/ipvs/ipvswrr.ko
if [ -r -a -x /sbin/depmod ]; then /sbin/depmod -ae -F; fi
li23-66:/usr/src/linux# modprobe ipvs
FATAL: Module ipvs not found.
but modinfo cifs gives all information about it
i'm successful till this.. then in my dmesg says.. for all ipvs mods..
ipvswlc: version magic ' SMP modunload Xen PENTIUM4 REGPARM gcc-3.4' should be ' SMP modunload Xen PENTIUM4 REGPARM gcc-4.0'
is this my gcc version is different with what existing gcc used? i tried gcc4.1 and then tried lowering it to gcc3.4. it seems like gcc4.0 .deb is not available to install in debian.
could somebody show me the things which i have to correct?
ipvswlc: version magic ' SMP modunload Xen PENTIUM4 REGPARM gcc-3.4' should be ' SMP modunload Xen PENTIUM4 REGPARM gcc-4.0'
is this my gcc version is different with what existing gcc used? i tried gcc4.1 and then tried lowering it to gcc3.4. it seems like gcc4.0 .deb is not available to install in debian.
could somebody show me the things which i have to correct?
# modprobe -f ipvs
It still might not work with the gcc version mismatch, but this will force the module to load so you can at least try it out.
managed to compile and load the kernel. but one more issue left..
when i insert it in /etc/modules it failed loading..
is there a way i can load the module with -f when my linode boots up?
the following line in /etc/modules loaded the module at boot
-f ip_vs
a big thank to community