Custom Disk Images

Is it possible for me to upload and use a custom Gentoo Image on my linode? I was thinking maybe use a small section of my disk then delete the running section(after powering down of course) then resize my image and make it the new running directory?

Has anyone attempted this with any distros? Success? Failure?


11 Replies

yeah its pretty simple to do actually and you dont need to waste the space.

Setup a finnix profile.. Put your hdd as /dev/ubdb..

and then ssh/dd your image over..

i can never remeber the command though.. something like ssh user@host -c 'dd -if=/dev/imageonremote' | dd of = /dev/ubdb should do the trick.. although im probably slightly off

Sweet thanks that should get me on the right track :)

I've done it with CentOS, and I built a custom Gentoo on the Linode itself. Check out mikegrb's howto for details on how to 'Linode-ify' your distro.

It's not really clear on what's going on. Where is his custom system coming from? Finnix? Am I sshing it onto the finnix system?

is it dd if=/dev/imageonmymachine of=/dev/partitionon_linode?


is it dd if=/dev/imageonmymachine of=/dev/partitionon_linode?

More like dd if=/dev/partitiononmymachine of=/dev/partitionon_linode

I did it using LVM snapshots - then you can use a live machine as the source.

Cheers. People are doing it, I feel quite reassured that I can too then :D.

I guess my last question is do I run the command from my computer(source) or my destination (linode).

Thanks guys.


Check out mikegrb's howto for details on how to 'Linode-ify' your distro.



Check out mikegrb's howto for details on how to 'Linode-ify' your distro.

I did, I already mentioned how I didn't find it that clear, but thanks for your very helpful input.

> Boot Finnix on source system, and dd to Finnix on your Linode via SSH. Destination is /dev/xvdb for Xen or /dev/ubdb for UML Linodes.

Thanks, I guess I'm just a little bit lost since I can't just go and do it right now, and without being able to just jump in and get my hands dirty like I normally would I'm a little bit muddled, it'll be sweet when I can do it though.

I just booted to FINNIX, Boot Strapped Gentoo and saved a tarball of the basic install for future needs. Works great and has been running like a champ. ;)

Actually I just picked up another Linode, booted to FINNIX, extracted my saved tarball. Had my new Linode up and going in a few min's 8)


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