Dumb question

What's the green squares signify on the main Linode page for the plans

I see a 360 has x1, 540 x1 1/2, 720 x2, 1080 x3, 1440 x4 and the 2880 has x8.

What's the green squares mean?

3 Replies

It's just a neat graphic used for comparison. A 720 is twice as large as a 360, etc.

Unfortunately, you don't get any Monopoly houses when you sign up.


What's the green squares mean?

How many babies tasaro eats before he activates your account!




What's the green squares mean?

How many babies tasaro eats before he activates your account!


Shhh! We call them "Soylent Green" in public. :wink:


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