Want to upload ubuntu14 image

I've tried to upload this image: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/20190429/trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img but it wants tar.gz and won't accept QCow2 Disk image

What is the way I can create an Ubuntu 14 image?


3 Replies

If you are unable to upload/unpack the Ubuntu 14 QCow2 Image as a custom Linode distribution, you might want to try installing Ubuntu 14 using one of Canonical's ARM64 .tar.gz images:

Alternatively, instead of running your VM as a Linux distribution which reached End of Life (EOL) in 2019, you may have better success running a modern/supported distribution and executing Ubuntu 14 within a Docker Container:

For more information about running Docker and managing Docker files on a Linode, be sure to review the following documentation:

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To upload a custom Ubuntu 14 image, you might want to use the Linode CLI or a direct upload through the dashboard. Ensure the image is compressed and compatible with their guidelines. Reach out if you need more steps! Essay writing can be challenging when you're juggling multiple deadlines. I was in a tight spot with my history paper, so I turned to https://ukwritemyessay.com/ for help. Their service was top-quality, with a detailed essay delivered well before the deadline. The writer adhered to the guidelines perfectly, ensuring the content was relevant and backed by reliable sources. I’ll definitely use their service again for future assignments.


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