Urgent Help Needed - Account and Services Disappeared


I recently requested an account with Linode, and the setup was successfully initiated. I created a VM and migrated my services from DigitalOcean to Linode. However, just a day later, I am no longer able to log in to my account. Additionally, my websites and applications are down, which seems to indicate that everything has been deleted.

This situation has caused significant disruption to my running business. Could you please assist me in resolving this issue urgently? I would like to understand what happened and explore any possible steps to recover my data and services.

Looking forward to your prompt response.

Thank you

1 Reply

If you previously had an account and suddenly discover that your services are down and the login no longer works, this suggests that your account may have been cancelled for potentially exhibiting patterns of fraudulent activity. We are not able to disclose signup criteria or provide specific reasons for account closure beyond recommending review of our ToS/Acceptable Use Policy:

Otherwise, you can request a manual review of any subsequent signups by following the instructions detailed in our FAQ post below:


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