Can I run an app and a MS SQL Server on a Linode?

Linode Staff


I want to host my app along with a MS SQL Server database on Linode. Is this possible to do on your platform?

1 Reply

It's possible!

Microsoft has been embracing Linux more and more over the last few years. So, now we have both an official .NET implementation and open-source alternatives! You could deploy your own app on a Linode by running the .NET Core. Microsoft has a pretty thorough guide for setting this up on an Ubuntu 16.04 server which could be adapted to work with a Linode (using Ubuntu 16.04, of course):

Hosting core on Linux
Getting started with .NET Core

There are also notable open-source implementations of ASP.Net, like The Mono Project:

The Mono Project

MS SQL Server 2017 is also compatible with both Windows and Linux.

Microsoft SQL Server on Windows and Linux
Installation Guidance for MS SQL Server


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