Postfix help

Our postfix smtp has been running great, although just recently like in the last day or so. I am now getting 20 or so messages an hour from various postmasters with errors indicating deliveries have failed.

Of course these messages are all spam related, looks like these postmaster types messages are not being filtered. NOt generated by my server.

Any ideas on how I can reduce it or stop them completely. It's worse then spam itself.

EDIT: looks like this new amavisd is a pain in the butt since they changed to the new style configs.

It's like bounce messages causing me the most issue. As near as I know I am not sending notifications, so I shouldn't get messages from various postmaster users..

1 Reply

Someone made a spam run with your address as the "From:" header. Unfortunately, there are still idiots out there who bounce spam and virus messages, even though it's widely known that the bounce addresses are fakes. The Postfix site has some suggestions on detecting and dropping these bogus bounce messages.


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