billing query


I currently have a linode 360 on a month to month payment, and I am wishing to add another linode 360 to my account, however I will pay this new one for a year up front.

Can I do this and not affect the billing month to month of the other linode360 I have?

Just want to make sure it won't screw things up to have one month to month and remain month to month (and pay for a second for 12 months up front).

4 Replies

I've got two Linodes that I rented at different times and although they joined together in Linode Platform Manager, the billing cycles are kept completely separate. Even the billing for extras is separate.

Just choose 'Add a Linode to this Account' in Linode Manager - and choose the billing cycle you want.


I've got two Linodes that I rented at different times and although they joined together in Linode Platform Manager, the billing cycles are kept completely separate. Even the billing for extras is separate.

Just choose 'Add a Linode to this Account' in Linode Manager - and choose the billing cycle you want.

I figured that was the case, just wanted to check. That's good enough for me, I will add my 2nd linode 360 tomorrow. Although looks like I will have to log a ticket to have it moved to Dallas, TX when something comes available. IN the meantime I will just get it built in the Newark, NJ.


I figured that was the case, just wanted to check. That's good enough for me, I will add my 2nd linode 360 tomorrow. Although looks like I will have to log a ticket to have it moved to Dallas, TX when something comes available. IN the meantime I will just get it built in the Newark, NJ.

You should put the ticket in right away once you create the linode, btw - there's a waitlist you can get on, and you'll then be ready when a shipment does arrive (the actual initiation of the migration's up to you, so it's not like your linode will suddenly shut down to move without warning)

Signed up and paid for a linode360 yearly, now I have the yearly one and a month to month one.

See how it goes on the next billing cycle ;) hopefully it just works as it should.

I am really enjoying the service so far. Great work on running this stuff. Think I will leave the 2nd node in newark for now..


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