Design question

OK here's the scoop.

The primary purpose of my Linode account is for gaining more knowledge and experience, that's the bottom line. That is the reason why I'm migrating off hosted sites to fully admin with Linode, so here is what I'm trolling for.

My site will be running Drupal so here's the deal. Most all Enterprise environments have dedicated SQL servers so I'm looking at the option of getting another Linode to function as a dedicated MySQL server (Linode 360).

So any thoughts, Caveat's, opinions, etc.?

Performance gains, loss's ect. ?

Or am I just wasting my time and $20?

I do plan on plugging in more apps that will also make use of MySQL, like forum scripts, Gallery, custom apps, etc….


3 Replies


OK here's the scoop.

The primary purpose of my Linode account is for gaining more knowledge and experience, that's the bottom line. That is the reason why I'm migrating off hosted sites to fully admin with Linode, so here is what I'm trolling for.

My site will be running Drupal so here's the deal. Most all Enterprise environments have dedicated SQL servers so I'm looking at the option of getting another Linode to function as a dedicated MySQL server (Linode 360).

So any thoughts, Caveat's, opinions, etc.?

Performance gains, loss's ect. ?

Or am I just wasting my time and $20?

I do plan on plugging in more apps that will also make use of MySQL, like forum scripts, Gallery, custom apps, etc….


Since you're in for learning, why not just try it? Note that when you cancel a linode, you receive a prorated refund for the unused time, so you can even just try it for a few days for <$20.

You could easily find that you have enough oomph with the single Linode to have it be the database as well as the application server. In any case, what I would do is configure it all on one system, and then if necessary upgrade the "hardware" or move the DB to another node. Should be easy enough to do that migration if necessary.


You could easily find that you have enough oomph with the single Linode to have it be the database as well as the application server. In any case, what I would do is configure it all on one system, and then if necessary upgrade the "hardware" or move the DB to another node. Should be easy enough to do that migration if necessary.
The overall "objective" is I'm looking to replicate a sudo commercial environment.

MMMM I'll dink around a bit and see what options would be best.



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