Newly created Block Storage not showing in filesystem

Linode Staff

I have created a new Block Storage volume, and I see that it is in the Linode Manager, but when I boot my Linode I cannot find it in anywhere in the filesystem (e.g. /mnt/blockstorage).

How can I make the volume show up in my Linode's filesystem?

1 Reply

Once you add your Block Storage Volume to your Linode Manager, there are additional steps that need to be taken for the Volume to show via SSH.

  • Click Manage Volumes on your Linode Manager's dashboard.
  • Choose the Volume you would like to attach by clicking on its name.
  • You will see an Instructions section that offers commands that are unique your Volume.
  • Log into your Linode, via SSH or Lish, and run the provided commands.

From there you should be able to view your Volume from your command line. The following command will let you confirm that you can view your Volume.

df -h 

You can refer to the following guide for more details.


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