Well, this security hole stinks

From http://www.infoworld.com/article/08/07/ … ips_1.html">http://www.infoworld.com/article/08/07/14/ResearchertodemonstrateattackcodeforIntelchips1.html

"Security researcher and author Kris Kaspersky plans to demonstrate how an attacker can target flaws in Intel's microprocessors to remotely attack a computer using JavaScript or TCP/IP packets, regardless of what operating system the computer is running. "

"I'm going to show real working code…and make it publicly available," Kaspersky said, adding that CPU bugs are a growing threat and malware is being written that targets these vulnerabilities.

Looks like it works on BSD, Linux, Winders Dang 95 - you name it.


4 Replies

I'll believe it when I see it. Seems like a hoax to me. (*)

  • Of course, if it's not, this post was sarcastic.


I'll believe it when I see it. Seems like a hoax to me. (*)

I've already switched most of my site to using 1/2-bit CPUs, so this should not affect me personally.



I've already switched most of my site to using 1/2-bit CPUs, so this should not affect me personally.

Several months ago, I threw out my 64bit processor and bought 128 1/2 bit processors. I've seen incredible performance increases since then.

if does turn out to be true, then Apple may well be kicking themselves for jettisoning PowerPC (well, they might end up kicking themselves about that anyway if IBM deliver significant improvements on PowerPC).


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