CentOS 5 Can't Install Portsentry

Just downloaded & tried to compile Portsentry (~~[http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?groupid=80573" target="blank">](http://sourceforge.net/project/showfile … p_id=80573">http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=80573](), but ran into a dead end. After figuring out that gcc wasn't installed, did a yum install gcc just fine. But make is still failing:

[root@----- portsentry_beta]# make linux                                                         
gcc  -O -Wall -DLINUX -DSUPPORT_STEALTH -o ./portsentry ./portsentry.c \                            
                ./portsentry_io.c ./portsentry_util.c                                               
./portsentry.c: In function â??PortSentryModeTCPâ??:                                                
./portsentry.c:1187: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of â??acceptâ?? differ in signedness                                                                                                
./portsentry.c: In function â?? PortSentryModeUDPâ??:                                                
./portsentry.c:1384: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 6 of â??recvfromâ?? differ in signedness                                                                                        [root@----- portsentry_beta]#

Is this fatal, or can I press? Any suggestions?

3 Replies

For what it's worth, it seems to be working …

It's not failing, it just isn't reporting as succeeding. If make had failed you would see the word 'error.'


It's not failing, it just isn't reporting as succeeding. If make had failed you would see the word 'error.'

You're right–when I originally wrote that, it was failing because of a syntax error I tracked down and fixed--then I still had the word 'error' in my head.

Anyway, it seems to work.


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