please i need linode geocluster

i search a company can help me setup multiple linode for High availability.

I ask to put up a panel like webmin or hsphere..

I ask if it possible to setup and teach me how to manage or manage for me.

I need to know if it possible to have multiple linodes in different datacenters so having geocluster

The system can have

1 heartbeat ->

or better

Wackamole and Spread

for IP switching

2 nginx

as load balancer

3 varnish to cache static content

4 memcached as cache mysql queries

5 apache 2.2 in backend for mod_rewrite and other applications

6 eaccelerator for php applications

7 mysql cluster

8 storage and backup -> S3, megaupload…

if possible to have linodes in different datacenters

9 geodns

10 dnsmadeeasy

contact me in pvt if interested.

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i think we all saw your post in the Sales Questions and Answers forum.


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