64-bit kernel and distribution?

Is anybody running a 64-bit node?

It seems that there are fewer Linode specific revisions of the 64-bit kernels ( and This to me suggests that there are less users, and thus less problems are discovered. This makes me worry about the stability of those kernels (vs. the 32-bit kernels).


8 Replies

I'm not aware of any problems with the 64 bit kernels, but there are only a handful of people running them.


I've been running a test node with and gentoo amd64 installed for about two weeks now. I've seen no problems at all through the install process and running a very lightly loaded postfix/dovecot server.

What are the chances that we'll see more 64 bit distro images in the near future? The only one I'm seeing is Ubuntu 8.04 LTS.

I'd imagine that 64 bit CentOS would be used, or at least, I'd use it given the choice :)


I'm not aware of any problems with the 64 bit kernels, but there are only a handful of people running them.


I have posted about some kernel issues over the past week.

1. is the only 32bit kernel that doesn't give me issues with time sync'ing problems on a xen host.

2. there is no 64 bit version of that domU kernel, so I am forced into running a 32 bit kernel and 32 bit OS.


So what are the odds we will be seeing a 64 bit domU ready kernel in the near future?


I've been running a test node with and gentoo amd64 installed for about two weeks now. I've seen no problems at all through the install process and running a very lightly loaded postfix/dovecot server.

I recently upgraded from UML to 64bit Xen node… but Im still running Gentoo x86. Just wondering if its worth upgrading to Gentoo amd64?

I just try to create a Ubuntu 8.04 64-bit and it got stuck in a loops rebooting itself. lish would flash real quick and screen terminates, I can't see what's wrong…

use the logview command from lish to see what was displayed on the console


I just try to create a Ubuntu 8.04 64-bit and it got stuck in a loops rebooting itself. lish would flash real quick and screen terminates, I can't see what's wrong…

The 64-bit kernels aren't deployed on all of the hosts; you may want to open a ticket requesting a migration.


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