Building a server "offline" and uploading it to Li

I would like to build a server "offline" on an x86 machine I have at home, and upload it to a Linode. I think this should be possible.

This article was helpful:

but it was mainly about moving from one Linode to another.

Has anyone done this? What should I look out for? Is there an article or a Wiki entry about doing this?


5 Replies

Check out

It is basically a work in progress. Most of the documentation is in the screen shots but it should get you through.

can u explain the part where u remove all the tty's. what is the purpose of this, does it really make that much of a difference.

BTW, aren't the servers 64 bit capable?


can u explain the part where u remove all the tty's. what is the purpose of this, does it really make that much of a difference.
You remove all other terminals and serial consoles (only the one implemented by Lish actually exists). If not - your logs fill up with crap as the agetty processes constantly respawn for missing physical devices.


BTW, aren't the servers 64 bit capable?
Yes, but the kernels are compiled for i686.

Some Xen hosts have 64bit kernels available

I have access to 64 bit kernels, but none of those are listed as 2.6.xx.x-domU.

One of my servers was having issues with time sync, the only thing that solved it for me was running the domU kernel. I guess this is a special kernel and certain options need to be enabled over the vanilla source?

Is it possible to get a 64 bit kernel with the same options enabled as the kernel? what exactly needs to be enabled?


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