ext3_journal_start_sb: Detected aborted journal

Filesystem wipeout on a linode? Ouch! Managed to clear the busted journal using 'debugfs -w -R "feature ^hasjournal,^needsrecovery" /dev/xvda' and now e2fsck -y is basically telling me I might as well run mke2fs. Alas. :(

2 Replies

Wow. I've never heard of that on Linode (which probably means it isn't a Linode issue). It just goes to show, there is no replacement for frequent backups. I always appreciate people posting stories like this, because it gets me to make sure I've got everything adequately backed up.

Well, the good news is that it was fixable. Some data hiccups, but it's alive now. Apparently this has happened on some xenodes with ext3fs using 1k block size. A big thank you to caker for his help with this last night - above and beyond the call, as usual!


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