DNS Manager Question


I use the DNS manager in Dashboard to mange my domains and I love it. its very easy to use.

My question is…

Would it work if I added dns names of ns1.mydomain.com/ns2.mydomain.com and set them to the ip's of the ones the dns manger users? (ns1.linode.com & ns2.linode.com respectfully)



7 Replies

The name servers you specify to your registrar as as being authoritative for your domain must registered with a registrars just like domain names. I believe most of them use reverse DNS lookups when you register the name servers to ensure you control them. Since you cannot change the reverse IPs for Linode's server, you cannot register them.


Ahh okay…

well, how hard is it to set up my own dns server?


Since you cannot change the reverse IPs for Linode's server, you cannot register them.

Um, check again under the Network section of the control panel, James. There is a section in the left hand column, called "Reverse DNS". I just updated one of my IPs this morning.

FWIW, I use EveryDNS as Slave servers to the master DNS I run on my Linode, but set the nameservers for my domains to be the EveryDNS nameservers (there are 4 geographically dispersed servers). They pull updates from me every hour on the hour.



Since you cannot change the reverse IPs for Linode's server, you cannot register them.

Um, check again under the Network section of the control panel, James. There is a section in the left hand column, called "Reverse DNS". I just updated one of my IPs this morning.

irgeek meant that you cannot change the reverse DNS for Linode.com's DNS servers (which you would need to do to register them as authoritative for your domain with names in your domain) - which indeed you cannot.

My bad. I misunderstood. Thank you for clearing that up, Peter.

James, I apologize for the misunderstanding.


well, how hard is it to set up my own dns server?

It's not hard, but it's easy to get wrong in non-obvious ways, and, as I've opined before, there's little value in running your own DNS server, unless it's part of some virtual hosting system or you have other special requirements.


It's not hard, but it's easy to get wrong in non-obvious ways, and, as I've opined before, there's little value in running your own DNS server, unless it's part of some virtual hosting system or you have other special requirements.
I'm inclined to agree. I'd also point out that even if you have special requirements, it's probably going to be a lot easier to configure an easy to manage DNS server (like mydns) and have the Linode servers be slave servers of that. That way you get all the control without having to worry about things like running a second server and managing load etc.



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